Messy vs Made: Should You Make Your Bed?

When you leave your bedroom in the morning is your bed messy or made? Is one way better than the other? Hear out the arguments for and against making your bed in the morning and decide for yourself…


Why do we like and expect our beds to be made when we’re staying at a hotel? Maybe because of how good it feels to pull back a crisply folded sheet to climb into bed. Not to mention how much nicer a tidy bed looks with all those decorative cushions and European pillows (especially if you have company). Having your bed made is one of the luxuries of a hotel stay and for two minutes a morning, it’s a luxury that you can bring home to your bedroom.

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In the morning, when you’re running late, every minute counts. Showers become two minutes, brushing your teeth takes a matter of seconds and breakfast may get the skip altogether. Sure, making your bed may be a nice thing to do, but for most busy people the two minutes it takes to make a bed may be better used elsewhere.


It’s all part of good discipline and having your surroundings organised. Whether it's your work desk, your bedroom or yes, your bed, being tidy can lead to a more organised and clear mind. And if you need more endorsement about the motivational consequences of making your bed, just ask Naval Admiral William H. McRaven who, in his address to the University of Texas class of 2014, told students: “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another.”


We spend about eight hours a night in our beds. Inevitably we sweat and we leave behind skin cells. Leaving the bed unmade and the covers thrown back may be just what we need to air out the bed so that it's fresh for our next sleep. It even looks like there’s science to back up the health benefits. A University study suggests that leaving your bed unmade can remove moisture from the bed sheets ensuring that dust mites, which live off humid environments, can’t survive.

Bed Sheets

You’ve heard the arguments, now it’s up to you to decide – which side do you agree with - messy or made?

No matter which side of the argument you fall on, we're sure you'll love our range of Quilt Cover Sets.

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